
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Absolute Power Expansions Ending on Kickstarter Plus Adventure Update PDFs!
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 12:22:00 PM

Happy Monday! Just a quick update to keep you in the loop about the Absolute Power superhero RPG.

First, the Absolute Power expansions Kickstarter (with seven stretch goals unlocked!) ends tomorrow (Tues, Nov 21st) at 10 pm EST. Two hardcover annuals with 100+ characters, an oversized deck of NPC stat cards, and a short story anthology – they will make wonderful additions to your Absolute Power superhero games.

Secondly, the two original Emergency Response superhero adventures are available to download from DriveThruRPG. Though they were published for 2002’s Silver Age Sentinels, we’ve included updated character stat blocks for use with Absolute Power. ER #1 was sent as a free stretch goal to some backers during the original Kickstarter, and ER #2 is sending as a stretch goal for the expansions Kickstarter – so if you’ve back both campaigns, you already have access to the two files. Otherwise, you can download ER #1 and ER #2 for $7.99 each.

Enjoy the rest of the year and have a very happy holiday season!

As You Requested – Absolute Power Expansions on Kickstarter!
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 08:16:55 AM

We have some great news, backers!

As you know, we recently wrapped up the Absolute Power superhero RPG expansions crowdfunding campaign on BackerKit. Several of you reached out to request that we also make the products available on Kickstarter like we usually do. We certainly want to ensure Absolute Power gamers have easy access to these awesome expansions and accessories, so we are continuing their crowdfunding right here on Kickstarter for a limited run until November 21st!

This campaign expands the rich setting and characters of the Absolute Power RPG in two hardcover annuals — Season One: Urban Warfare and Season Two: Dark Empire — that detail recent events, both big and small, that impacted Empire City and Sentinel-Earth. Additionally, an oversized Heroes and Villains Card Deck accessory profiles 136 statted NPCs across the power-level spectrum from the core book and two Season expansions. Finally, talented writers explore the game setting in 14 tales collected in The Path of Absolute Power short story anthology.

This Kickstarter campaign continues the funding success we had on BackerKit, which means that we're setting the target low and have pre-unlocked six stretch goals already! It's the perfect chance to back the superhero RPG you love on the crowdfunding platform you're familiar with.

If you missed the original BackerKit campaign, we'd love to have you on board with us!

FINAL DAYS! Absolute Power RPG Expansions on BackerKit PLUS Character Creation Video
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 06:35:21 AM

Happy Monday, superhero fans! Just a short reminder that there’s only a few days remaining to power-up your Absolute Power RPG campaigns with four expansions and accessories. Two hardcover annuals (with 100 full character write-ups!), an oversized card deck of character profiles, and a short story anthology are crowdfunding now on BackerKit. And if you’re missing any Absolute Power products from the first Kickstarter, it’s convenient to add them as extra rewards, too.

Check out the campaign page and pledge today!

Thank you for helping make Absolute Power come to life!

PS – ICYMI, Absolute Power game designer Mark MacKinnon walks through a full, start-to-finish Tri-Stat System character creation process in a one-hour YouTube video for one of the game's popular superheroes: Caliburn, the Last Knight.

Four Absolute Power RPG Expansions!
12 months ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 11:40:08 AM

Hey backers, it’s been a while! Since you were one of the first to jump on board the launch of our Absolute Power superhero RPG, we thought you might be interested in the latest expansions and accesories as well. The new products include two hardcover annuals, an oversized card deck of character profiles, and a short story anthology:

  • Season One: Urban Warfare (2021 annual)
  • Season Two: Dark Empire (2022 annual)
  • Heroes and Villains Deck (character profiles)
  • The Path of Absolute Power (anthology)

It’s only been a few hours, but funding is already over $5K and more than half-way to reaching its goal. If you’re looking to enhance your Absolute Power campaign options, you won’t want to miss out pledging for these essential expansions. Check out the crowdfunding page today!

Thank you once again for your support!

PS. It’s also a great time to pick up any existing Absolute Power accessories you might have missed as well – such as the Game Screen or Character Folio – since all physical products come with free PDF downloads, too!

Absolute Power at EU Warehouse!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 10:05:09 PM

A quick micro-update: the Absolute Power products have arrived in the German warehouse and will be fulfilling to EU, UK, and international addresses shortly.

A great way to start the week! Your patience has been greatly appreciated.

PS. Have you seen Dyskami’s Twelve Days of Christmas giveaways promotion? You can receive $225 of gifts with your order at the new Dyskami online store ( See the store link for details.