
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Next Batch of Superhero PDFs are Out
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 05:10:01 PM

It’s Friday, backers, which means that we just sent out digital rewards from DriveThruRPG to backers who completed their survey in the past few days. Now 85% of backers have their digital pledges completed, which is spectacular. 👍

The next batch of PDFs will be sent on April 1st for backers that complete their survey by March 31st.

Quick DriveThru Tech Support Suggestion

Several backers are noticing that when they click on their download link, the DriveThruRPG page is posting the error "Your order has no items!"

This happens because you aren't logged into your DriveThru account. Log in, and then paste the link URL into your browser. That'll do the trick!

If you need further help with your DriveThruRPG account, here's their support link:

Yes, every file works as they should. Many backers have reported no problems at all with PDFs or ZIPs or MP3. If you are encountering problems with your files, the files may not be the issue.

Signal Boosting Absolute Power

Many Absolute Power Kickstarter backers have reached out to ask how they can best support our publishing efforts to bring our superhero RPG to a wide audience. We appreciate you offering to help boost Absolute Power’s exposure and have compiled a brief list of ideas that will certainly help make the Absolute Power line successful:


Whether it’s posted on YouTube, personal blog, RPG social media page, or dedicated game/hobby website (such as RPGNet, EnWorld, and more), potential new Absolute Power fans want to read or watch reviews by players and GMs. Highlight what you like about the game, and why you think other games may enjoy it as well.


This one is for when the PDFs are released widely in May. Many gamers will first exposed to Absolute Power’s digital editions on DriveThruRPG, and a 5 star rating goes a long way. It’s fast and easy, and if you have downloaded PDF editions in the past, you already have a DTRPG account! Even better, write a few sentences in a customer review on the individual Absolute Power product pages (Books One and Two, Game Screen, Folio, etc.) because they deliver a lot of impact.


Although we regularly cross-post much of our information on multiple Dyskami platforms, increasing our followers/friends/likes on social media demonstrates that Absolute Power has strong support from the gamer community. Whenever you share/retweet/distribute our posts to your own friends and followers, it helps our Absolute Power message reach many more potential fans. Here is a list of accounts and pages to consider following:


This one is obvious, so we won’t talk about this much. Buying physical games through our web store ( or with your friendly local game store, or downloading digital editions from our DTRPG site helps us fund production of even more great Absolute Power and Tri-Stat products. If you’ve already completed your Absolute Power pledge but want to top up your order with more, pre-orders are still open at:


This final, word-of-mouth suggestion covers everything mentioned above and goes even further. Talking with your gaming friends and groups about this new superhero RPG is the best way to be an Absolute Power influencer and help spread your love for the game. If you have the chance to run or organise a game or two at your local store, school club, or game convention – or even an online game through Zoom, Discord, or alternate platform – you’ll have an awesome time and show off why Absolute Power is a great choice for superhero adventures at any scale.

Thanks for taking the time to read these suggestions, and for continuing to show your support!

Digital Reward Fulfilment and Additional Payments
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 01:01:09 AM

Thank you for the incredible early response to the BackerKit surveys: nearly 75% of all backers have completed their surveys already. So we have some great news: we are sending the digital rewards download links from DriveThruRPG TODAY! 🥳

Links will only be sent to backers that have already completed their BackerKit survey in full (and successfully remitted any outstanding fees) because we have already exported the survey report. Any survey completed after 11 am EDT today and no later than Thursday March 24th will be processed for the next wave of rewards on Friday, March 25th. See Update #35 for digital fulfilment details.

If You Didn’t Receive The Download Link

Before anyone reaches out to us to indicate they haven’t received their rewards yet, please read the following carefully:

➡️ The DriveThruRPG emails may take several hours to send since there are so many copies being distributed. The files are also being sent individually, so if you pledged at a higher tier you may receive many emails with all the products and stretch goals. You should receive everything in the next 12 hours, though.

➡️ If you didn’t complete your BackerKit survey by 11 am EDT today, you won’t receive the email yet. You can check the status of your survey by clicking on your survey link from the original BackerKit email (or get a new one at

➡️ The download links are sent to the email address on file with Kickstarter and/or BackerKit. This may be different than the email address you use normally. Please check spam filters, too.

➡️ If the emails are sent to an address different than the one you use with your DriveThru account, there’s no problem! The links can be still be used without any problem by logging into your DriveThru account before you click on the links.

➡️ If your Kickstarter email is the same as your DriveThru email, the download links will also conveniently appear in our DriveThru inbox. Once you log into your account, you can retrieve your inbox messages here:

➡️ If you still don’t seem to have all the download link emails after waiting several hours, but you’re confident that you should have them because you completed the BackerKit survey by 11 am EDT today (Tues, Mar 22nd), please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.

What’s Included For Each Tier?

This handy chart shows what backers will receive (both digital and physical) at each reward tier. Of course, you may have added on some additional products not included in the chart below.

The five artefacts, five weapons, and five power builds are combined in a single PDF file called the Power-Up Digital Expansion. The two short scenarios are called Field Trip at the Power Plant (for 4-6 characters at 75 Points) and Escape From Thule (for 3-5 characters at 125 Points).

BackerKit Credit Card Charging Issues

Today, we locked down all orders from submitted surveys and processed credit card payments for outstanding charges (add-ons, shipping fees, etc.), and this includes late backer pre-order pledges. If you had additional funds charged through the survey, you will have received one of two emails from BackerKit:

“We successfully charged $X to the credit card you provided.”

This means everything processed normally, and you’re good to go. There’s nothing more you need to do right now except wait until we send the digital PDF rewards. The rest of this update does not apply to you. Enjoy your incoming download rewards!

“Our system tried to charge $X to the credit card, but the charge failed.”

This means your pledge payment is not yet complete because your credit card could not be processed for one of several reasons. Please continue reading this update.

Credit Card Processing, BackerKit, Stripe, and Dyskami

The BackerKit pledge management system uses Stripe to process credit card payments on behalf of Dyskami’s Absolute Power Kickstarter. We (Dyskami) does not have any input in or control over the charging process, and thus do not have specific answers regarding why your credit card was not successfully charged. It could be a simple glitch that is resolved when a recharge is attempted, or an incorrect number or expiration date entered, or mismatched address in your survey vs. credit card file, or incompatibility with your credit/debit/prepayment card, or international banking issues, or your bank/card issuer denying the charge due to security concerns, or lack of available credit on your card, or the phase of the moon. We have no clue why the charge failed – all we know is that it did fail. Short of us hitting the “recharge” button, there’s nothing we can directly do to change this situation because we do not handle this directly (that’s between Stripe and your card issuing company).

But that’s not to say there are no resolution options.

Recharging Cards on Thursdays

We will attempt to recharge your credit card every Thursday (March 24th, 31st, April 7th, 14th, etc.) to ensure the most number of backers possible receive their digital PDF rewards when we send them out at the end of each week.

How You Can Resolve The Charging Issue

We know that this situation is frustrating 🤬 – especially in situations when you can’t see any reason why Stripe can’t charge your credit card, because everything seems fine to you.

There are several ways that you may be able to resolve the declined credit card issues. Not all of these ideas may work, but you are encouraged to work through as many of them as possible, as soon as possible, to ensure your pledge is processed promptly.

1. Update Your Payment Information

Perhaps there was an initial error with your credit card and it can be resolved by checking on the information, updating it, and reprocessing your card. For our past Kickstarters, dozens of backers have fixed their issue in just a few minutes doing this, so give it a try if you haven’t already.

2. Try a Different Credit Card

If the entered card is giving you problems, perhaps you can enter a different credit card and have the charges process through that other card instead. Again, dozens of previous backers have switched to a different card and resolved the decline issue. Still, this may not work for you, and you’ll need to move to option 3.

3. Call Your Bank or Card Issuer

There is a phone number on the back of every credit card that you can call to inquire about a declined payment. Most often when this happens, the card issuer (Bank X, or Store Y) has an automatic security system that flags suspicious activity and declines the charge. If you tell the card issuer that you authorise Stripe to process the payment that we declined, the charge should be accepted next time we try recharging the cards. Most bank and card issuers can be very helpful with this.

If All That Fails, There’s a Backup

There is another option that we can use if you simply have no other way to process your credit card through BackerKit. We can send you a payment request through Paypal to cover your outstanding funds. This isn’t an efficient or desirable way to accomplish this, but it’s a workaround option we have available if everything else fails.

If you have tried every other option first, the first thing you need to do is remove the credit card information that you entered into the BackerKit system (click on the link they sent to you earlier). That way, you won’t accidentally be double-charged if you pay through PayPal and Stripe successfully charges your card at a future date. Remove the payment information first.

Next, please email [email protected] directly (do not message us through Kickstarter, please!) and give us the following information: your name, your Kickstarter identity if different from your name, the dollar amount outstanding that you wish to pay, and the email address to which we should send the PayPal payment request. We will then manually send a payment request to you for payment.

Thanks for taking the time to read this long message. We’re looking forward to getting the Absolute Power digital rewards to you as soon as we can!

BackerKit Surveys Are Sent and PDF Codes in Waves
over 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 06:10:56 PM

A few minutes ago we sent the BackerKit survey link to all backers. Look for it to appear in your inbox or possibly spam folder (the email is likely coming from [email protected] or a variation). If you haven’t received the survey link, you can visit and request that the survey link be resent to you.

As a reminder, with the BackerKit survey, you can:

  • Confirm or change your pledge tier
  • Top up your pledge funds to select one or more add-on products
  • Remit shipping fees for any additional physical rewards in your pledge
  • Provide your mailing address for shipping physical rewards

Complete Survey Early: Fulfilment in Waves

We are changing the digital fulfilment plans that we announced in Update #34 to reward backers who complete their surveys earlier rather than later.

We will email PDF download codes from DriveThruRPG every Friday (approximately) to all backers who completed their surveys by the preceding Thursday. Here are the revised deadlines and dates:

  • Complete your survey between March 20-24 and receive your download codes on March 25th
  • Complete your survey between March 25-31 and receive your download codes on April 1st
  • Complete your survey between April 1-7 and receive your download codes on April 8th
  • Complete your survey between April 8-14 and receive your download codes on April 15th
  • Etc.

Note that EVERY BACKER must complete the BackerKit survey before receiving their digital and/or physical rewards – no exceptions. Yes, this includes backers who only pledged for digital products and don't need to provide their addresses or remit shipping fees. We use BackerKit exclusively to manage our nearly 900 campaign pledges to ensure that all backers receive the correct products in their pledge. As mentioned above, the sooner you complete the survey, the sooner you'll receive your digital rewards. 👍

DriveThru Accounts

Of course, you already have a DriveThru account set up, right? Because you need one to access the digital rewards.

If you don’t have one yet, please create an account NOW at . It’s best if your DriveThru account email matches your Kickstarter account email, but it’s not required. If the addresses match, the PDF download codes we email to you will also appear in your DriveThru inbox – even if the email is diverted to your spam folder (which sometimes happens, especially if you have a Hotmail email account). Otherwise, you may not automatically receive your download codes when the other backers do, and we’ll need to work with you to retrieve manually the download codes that we sent to your Kickstarter email address.

Also, see Update #27 for important information about DriveThruRPG and AppleID Private Relays.

Late Pledges Are Open

We know that during this crazy time, not everyone was able to complete a pledge during the Absolute Power Kickstarter campaign (and some backer credit cards were rejected). We have opened a late pledge option for those that unfortunately missed the Kickstarter, with the link posted on the main Kickstarter campaign page (direct link:

Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter, please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.

Thanks again, and have a wonderful week!

Surveys are Starting Plus More Proof Photos
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 06:01:30 PM

Hey, Absolute Power fans! Here’s another update on Kickstarter fulfilment.

We have been working with BackerKit to get the surveys ready and we are starting the process today (March 18th). Following their guidelines, the survey will first be sent to a small selection of backer as part of a “smoke test” to ensure everything is running smoothly with the process. Only a few dozen people will receive this initial survey today – so don’t be concerned if you don’t receive one. If you do receive it, though, it would be very helpful if you could complete your pledge promptly so we can verify the process.

Starting this weekend if everything runs without problems, the survey will be sent to all remaining backers. Since the window before fulfilment of your rewards is very short, we ask that you complete this BackerKit survey no later than Wednesday, March 30th to avoid delays fulfilling your pledge. DriveThruRPG digital download links for your pledged products will be emailed to you on or before March 31st. Physical rewards will ship as soon as possible this summer (exact timeline will be sent in a future update once available).

As a reminder, with the BackerKit survey, you can:

  • Confirm or change your pledge tier
  • Top up your pledge funds to select one or more add-on products
  • Remit shipping fees for any additional physical rewards in your pledge
  • Provide your mailing address for shipping physical rewards

Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter, please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.

More Proof Photos

We received some additional Absolute Power pre-production proofs and though you might enjoy seeing some photo highlights of the padded and silver foil-stamped leatherette covers (Books One and Two of the slipcase editions), spot UV coatings on the two book covers and the slipcase box wrap (we tried to show the reflective coatings in the photos), and the 224-page, digest-sized Tri-Stat Core RPG white dummy.

Thanks for supporting the Absolute Power release, and Enjoy your weekend!

Status Update and White Dummy Proof Video
over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 10:16:10 AM

Hi everyone! We though we’d check in with a quick status update and a video preview of some Absolute Power proofs.

BackerKit Surveys Coming

We have committed to sending BackerKit surveys out by Monday, March 21st. We’ll do a test run with 5% of the backers on March 18th or 19th to ensure everything in running smoothly before sending the surveys to everyone. Backers who complete their surveys before March 30th will receive their digital download codes from DriveThruRPG on March 31st.

With the BackerKit survey, you can:

  • Confirm or change your pledge tier
  • Top up your pledge funds to select one or more add-on products
  • Remit shipping fees for any additional physical rewards in your pledge
  • Provide your mailing address for shipping physical rewards

Physical Reward Delivery

Based on our best current estimations from the factories, we expect to be fulfilling physical rewards in late July 2022. We will be posting further updates once we have them.

Video Preview: White Dummy Proofs

In previous updates, we shared some photos of factory proofs. Today, we have a video to share of some press proofs (Book One) and pre-production proofs (dice and dice trays), as well as white dummy proofs of the core books and the premium slipcase set.

We are incredibly impressed by the quality of the slipcase set – the two premium game books and the slipcase itself. After seeing how stunning the white dummies look, backers at the $60 Player and $120 Gamer tiers may want to consider upgrading their pledge to a higher tier so they’ll get that slipcase set! 🤩

Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter, please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.

Thanks once again for supporting the Kickstarter. We’ll check in again late next week.