
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First Post-Campaign Progress Report
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 04, 2022 at 07:55:28 PM

Hey, backers! Nothing overly dramatic in this post, just an administrative update.

Declined Pledge Funding

Kickstarter successfully charged the credit cards for the vast majority of pledges yesterday. If your card charge was declined for whatever reason, Kickstarter would have sent you an email by now notifying you that your card information requires updating on their system.

Unsuccessful backers: Kickstarter grants one full week to resolve all payment issues before the platform drops you from the campaign. Until Thursday, March 10th, you can log in to your Kickstarter account and click the “Fix payment” button in the banner at the top of your screen. On the next page, click the “Retry your payment” button to retry or update your pledge with a different card. Kickstarter will automatically retry to charge declined cards once on March 10th, unless you’ve already fixed the problem. For Kickstarter support, visit and

Here’s a timeline moving forward in March:

BackerKit Survey By March 21st

By March 21st, we will post an update letting you know when we are sending the BackerKit survey to complete your pledge. Until then, there’s nothing more you need to do (unless your pledge funding was declined on Kickstarter; see above).

With the BackerKit survey, you can:

  • Confirm or change your pledge tier
  • Top up your pledge funds to select one or more add-on products
  • Remit shipping fees for any additional physical rewards in your pledge
  • Provide your mailing address for shipping physical rewards

Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter, please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.

Late Pledges

We know that during this crazy time, not everyone was able to complete a pledge during the Absolute Power Kickstarter campaign (and some backer credit cards were rejected). We will be offering a late pledge option for those that unfortunately missed the Kickstarter. An announcement with further details will be released at that time.

BackerKit First Wave

We will give everyone approximately nine days (until March 30th) to complete the survey before BackerKit charges backer credit cards for any outstanding add-ons and shipping fees through the survey. Shortly thereafter on March 31st, we will email DriveThruRPG digital download links where you can get your digital rewards that align with your pledged funds. The links will be sent to the email address you provided us through BackerKit, so please ensure that the email entered either aligns with your DriveThruRPG account (current, or one that you will open to receive your rewards), or that you can access these links in your DTRPG account from your provided email address. See Update #27 for important information about DriveThruRPG and AppleID Private Relays.

Important: if you do not complete the BackerKit survey within the nine-day period, delivery of your digital rewards will be delayed! Once every week moving forward from the end of March, we will compile all the late surveys received and process the digital pledge rewards at that time. We will only send out download PDF codes to late backers in these weekly waves, not daily as they come in. In other words, if you want your digital pledge rewards as soon as possible, please don’t delay completing the survey.

Note about stretch goals: We do not have specific timelines yet for digital stretch goal delivery. We will aim to have them ready when we release the pledged PDF rewards, but do not guarantee that the digital stretch goals will arrive at the same time. We will deliver the stretch goals when they are ready, and we will post a campaign update so everyone will know when they are delivered.

Physical Reward Delivery

Based on our best current estimations, we expect to be fulfilling physical rewards in July 2022. We will be posting further updates once we have them.

Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend!

over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 04, 2022 at 01:38:22 AM

What an astounding Kickstarter campaign!

On behalf of the entire Dyskami Publishing crew, we want to express our sincerest thanks for the tremendous support you have shown to us throughout this entire campaign.

30 updates over 24 days, and here we are with the spectacular results of your fully funded crowdfunding effort: $119,095 in pledges by 881 backers.

And because the campaign made it more than half way to the final $120K stretch goal, we have unlocked the two stretch goals anyway: the bonus copy of the Tri-Stat Core RPG System for pledges $200+ and the second short adventure scenario! Please enjoy this bonus gifts with our thanks for pulling together to make it a spectacular finish!

Your support has thus unlocked 21 stretch goals across multiple reward tiers, which is a tremendous testament to the strength of your interest in superhero gaming. We greatly appreciate your faith in our ability to deliver quality games, expansions, and accessories for your superhero gaming tables, whether they be actual or virtual.

We hope this is the start of a wonderful Absolute Power community. YOU made this happen. THANK YOU. ☺️

We’ll keep communication flowing through Kickstarter updates in the coming days, weeks, and months – until you hold your pledged rewards in your hands.

Until then, thank you once again, and goodnight. 🌙😴

Shooting for the Moon: Revealing Final Four Stretch Goals
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 03, 2022 at 06:32:37 PM

There’s fewer than 12 hours remaining, and your ongoing support has been amazing! Every time we set a new stretch goal, we aren’t sure if backers will achieve it – yet you consistently do!

We’ve decided to set four new stretch goals and reveal them all now. We know that funding may not rise high enough to unlock them all – perhaps even a stretch – but we wanted to give you a teaser of what’s possible in the coming hours. Setting goals is a worthwhile process unto itself!

New Stretch Goal #1 @ $115K: Bonus Absolute Power Character Folio

It’s great that a copy of the convenient and thorough Absolute Power Character Folio is included in with the $200+ Superhero tier, but sometimes you have more than one character that needs to be spotlighted. So we though to ourselves: why not double the fun?!?

If campaign funding reaches $115K, every $200+ Superhero tier pledge will include an extra bonus copy of the Absolute Power Character Folio for free – that’s two copies, instead of just one! This same bonus copy will be added to $350+ Storyteller tier pledges as well. Now you have even more reasons to undertake those superhero adventures! This stretch goal adds an extra $10 of value to your pledge as our thanks to you.

New Stretch Goal #2 @ $115K: Five Unique Power Builds

With Absolute Power’s comprehensive effects-based system, you can create any power set you desire. The “behind the curtain” examples of the three dozen fully statted canonical Sentinel-Earth characters demonstrates how to create an effective power set, but more examples are always a good idea.

Upon reaching $115K, we will create five power builds across the superpowered spectrum, with stat blocks and brief descriptions. These powers will be available as a free bonus PDF download for all backers pledging at the $59+ Explorer tier and above.

New Stretch Goal #3 @ $120K: Bonus Tri-Stat Core Book

Having extra table copies of the Tri-Stat System that is the foundation of the Absolute Power RPG is convenient during character creation and gameplay. The compact Tri-Stat Core RPG book is the ideal gaming resource for this!

If campaign funding reaches $120K, every $200+ Superhero tier pledge will include an extra bonus copy of the Tri-Stat Core RPG for free – that’s two copies, instead of just one! This same bonus copy will be added to $350+ Storyteller tier pledges as well. This provides an extra $15 of value to your pledge.

New Stretch Goal #4 @ $120K: A Second Absolute Power Adventure Scenario

As a companion piece to the short scenario unlocked at $70K, if the campaign raises enough pledges to reach the $120K funding goal, Robin and Mark will write another short one-shot adventure scenario set on the Kreuzritter’s island Kingdom of Thule. This brief scenario will be available as a free bonus PDF download for all backers pledging at the $59+ Explorer tier and above.

Let’s Keep The Momentum Going!

We can continue unlocking these stretch goals by spreading the news to all your gamer friends and family, and extended network. Also, don’t forget to post on your social media feeds (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) as well as on the various game industry forums to which you belong. Finally, if you have yet to join the Absolute Power Facebook group community and Dyskami RPG Community Discord Server, we’d love to see you there, too!

Thanks for continuing to support Absolute Power! We’ll check in again soon.

Free Dice Unlocked at $110K! Free Character Folio Up Next at $115K
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 03, 2022 at 06:31:47 PM

$110K funding achieved! Thank you for working together to unlock two new two stretch goals! 🥳

You wanted free dice, and you earned free dice! Now every backer at the $200+ Superhero and $350+ Storyteller tiers will receive an extra bonus copy of the Absolute Power Custom Dice Set for free (a $15 value)! Furthermore, every backer pledging at the $59+ Explore tier and above will receive a bonus PDF that details five new metahuman artefacts across the superpowered spectrum, with stat blocks and brief descriptions.

And the timing couldn’t be better because this morning we received a photo of the sample Absolute Power dice proofs from the factory. On the left is an assembled “white proof” of the dice box (though the window isn’t cut out yet). The middle is the black dice tray that holds the eight custom dice in place (to show through the window): four red marbled superhero dice and four blue marbled supervillain dice. Finally, on the right is the transparent plastic shield that covers the dice tray to hold everything secure. We’ve also included the earlier proof photo of the printed dice box before it’s trimmed and assembled.

Two Stretch Goals Up Next at $115K

In the recent Update 28 we detailed two stretch goals up next at $115K, so we won’t feature them here again. A free bonus Absolute Power Character Folio and a PDF download of five original power builds await backers if funding reaches the $115K threshold before the campaign ends at 9pm EST tonight (GMT-5).

How far will you take this campaign in the next 7+ hours?!? 🧐

Free Character Folio Unlocked at $115K! Free Tri-Stat Core Up Next at $120K
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 03, 2022 at 06:31:35 PM

There’s been some astounding activity in the past few hours and you pushed the campaign through the $115K funding level and earned two more stretch goals! Your dedication is amazing.

Now every backer at the $200+ Superhero and $350+ Storyteller tiers will receive an extra bonus copy of the Absolute Power Character Folio for free (a $10 value)! Also, every backer pledging at the $59+ Explore tier and above will receive a bonus PDF that details five unique superpower builds! That’s a lot of extra stuff!

Two Stretch Goals Up Next at $120K

We already talked about the two stretch goals that are up next at $120K (see Update 28), but here’s a brief reminder summary: a free bonus Tri-Stat Core RPG book for your gaming table (a $15 value!) for higher tier pledges ($200+) PLUS a PDF download of an original short one-shot adventure scenario for lower and higher tier pledges ($59+).

Comparing Value: $150 Collector vs. $200 Superhero Tiers

Several backers have messaged us asking for a summary of what’s the extra $50 difference gets them if they upgrade from the $150 Collector tier to the $200 Superhero Tier. Short answer: quite a lot! Here’s everything that you’ll get by upgrading your pledge in the next couple of hours:

  • Sturdy four-panel Game Screen
  • 32-page introductory adventure + PDF
  • TWO Character Folios + PDF
  • TWO sets of Absolute Power Custom Dice
  • Tri-Stat Core RPG (TWO copies if the campaign funds at $120K) + PDF

If funding reaches $120K, added together, that $50 pledge difference carries a total product value of a whopping $121! ($100 print + $21 PDF)!

Remember that the Kickstarter campaign ends at 9pm EST tonight (GMT-5)! Thanks so much for making the final day a memorable one as you push the funding every close to $120K!