
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mark Interview Plus Introducing Slipstream
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 09:10:21 PM

Hey, everyone! As the campaign continues for another day, we have a couple of short updates.

Mark’s Absolute Power Interview

Mildra recently interviewed Tri-Stat System designer Mark MacKinnon for 75 minutes on his Monastery podcast. Mark covers the history of the progenitor Silver Age Sentinels RPG and provides additional details about the creation and evolution of Absolute Power. You can tune in on YouTube, though it’s audio only. 

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Slipstream

Ema’Ge 412, young scientific prodigy turned desperate rebel when the Haud invaded Parousia, was the sole survivor of a fleeing resistance ship that crashed on Earth. He lay in hibernation for 15 centuries before being awakened by the bombing of Hiroshima.

In the decades since, Slipstream has met almost everyone in the metahuman world. He can race across the Earth, allowing him to make friends from Montreal to Mumbai and Jacksonville to Johannesburg. “Six Degrees of Slipstream” is an ongoing meme with a solid rationale (even if he wearied of the comparison 20 years ago). In Empire City, home to dozens of Earth’s greatest superheroes, Slipstream is the one that New Yorkers embrace as their favourite son. To them, no one could embody the Big Apple more than the ultimate immigrant, a literal tempest-tossed alien that defends the world alongside the Guard.

Slipstream is the fastest organic being on Earth. He is also a brilliant scientist and a formidable fighter, but all of his abilities derive from his accelerated nature. Vibration sense gives Ema’Ge an awareness that lets him react before he sees, while engineering genius lets him kit-bash one-minute wonders when the Guard needs them most. Faster than any Parousian, he cannot interact at human rates without his Time Suit. He has a number of enemies, none worse than the Haud – but the most complicated is Alice. She attacks Johnny regularly, yet also protects him, which is a secret more explosive than his human identity.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

$60K Stretch Goal Down, Scenario Coming Next, Plus Red Phoenix
over 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 02:12:48 PM

Thank you keeping the momentum going throughout the weekend! Your pledges pushed funding through $60K mark and unlocked the next stretch goal. Now the Absolute Power Game Screen and Adventure pack will also come with a free weapon and armour summary reference sheet for your gaming table

$70K Stretch Goal: Adventure Scenario

The next stretch goal adds free additional content to your pledge experience. If funding reaches $70K, Absolute Power designers Robin and Mark will write a short one-shot adventure set on the streets of Empire City. This brief scenario will be made available as a free PDF download for all backers at the $59+ EXPLORER tier and above.

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Red Phoenix

Growing up in West Berlin, Sarah Gebhart never believed that she was the latest incarnation of humanity’s first superhero. Sarah never thought that her teenage dreams of being chosen were different from any other changeling fantasy. In the shadow of the Cold War, she never imagined that her visions of a magic sword were more than mere imagination. Yet deep down, somewhere in her soul, Sarah knew. She had always known.

When her dreams became nightmares, a vacation brought her to Strasbourg. Visions led her to ruins that held the dormant Iron Duke and the lost Mantle of the Phoenix Angel. Relic hunter Rachel Wilde found it at the same time. Their struggle split the weapon in three: Sarah claimed the Sword and a third of the armour, Rachel claimed the Shield and the remaining armour to become Green Ronin, and Iron Duke awoke with the Halo in his chassis. It also caused the ruins to collapse, which scattered the combatants and left their struggle unresolved.

Through triumph and tragedy over the many years, Sarah never forgot her quest for the Mantle, nor did her foes. During the Apratzim Crisis of 2009, Iron Duke used the enchanted kingdom’s spell-tech to restore his genius, and then turned his enhanced might on Sarah. Red Phoenix had earlier rescued Green Ronin more than once during the conflict, and Rachel repaid Sarah’s courage and faith by restoring the Mantle to her – including a new set of armour and shield. After nearly 40 years, Red Phoenix was whole at last.

We hope you enjoyed her brief bio. Let’s make this an amazing week!

Designer AMA Video and Introducing Sentinel
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 04:45:40 PM

Happy Friday! Your awesome efforts have pushed funding halfway to unlocking the $60K stretch goal: a convenient weapon and armour summary reference sheet included with pledges that include the Absolute Power Game Screen, whether as part of the reward tier ($200 SUPERHERO and $350 STORYTELLER) or as an add-on. Thank you for your dedication!

Video of Twitch AMA with Mark and Robin

Last night, Absolute Power designers Mark MacKinnon and Robin Flanagan hosted an “Ask Me Anything” livestream on Twitch. We have uploaded the video to our YouTube channel if you couldn’t make the livestream and still want to hear about some of the backstory and history of Absolute Power’s creation.

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Sentinel

Sentinel, the world’s most famous superhero and leader of the Guard, is a paragon of human virtue. That statement is far more complex than the stereotype can make it seem. Well aware that he has known more privilege than almost anyone, Max Liberty strives to help others in every way he can. Sentinel patrols the world, racing to protect as many as possible. Maxwell continues to teach, whether instructing the Marvels Tactical Unit in metahuman containment, new executives at Liberty Enterprises in corporate ethics, or UNION commanders in aerospace strategy. Both Maxwell and LE donate enormous sums to the impoverished, both to serve direct need and to aid those striving to escape that need.

Maxwell Liberty is the embodiment of what the people of Sentinel-Earth consider a superhero. He is the strongest human alive, all but invulnerable and immovable, capable of flight and healing, and surviving in almost any environment. His senses transcend human limitation, and he can wield atomic power for a variety of attacks. Sentinel is also broadly skilled and trained in combat, and commands tremendous influence through the Guard and Liberty Enterprises. He is famously vulnerable to extreme cold, and depends on sunlight or intense radiation to maintain his powers. The White Rooks dog Sentinel’s heels, with his archnemesis Kreuzritter forever pulling the strings.

That’s it for this update. Thanks for your pledge and sharing the campaign with your online gaming circles!

More than 400 Backers and Introducing Kreuzritter
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 04:45:36 PM

Thank you all! We are less than four full days into the campaign and you are part of the more than 400 backers who are looking forward to some superpowered action this year! During this typically quieter time of a campaign, we’ll be introducing some of the movers and shakers in the Sentinel-Earth setting.

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Kreuzritter

The defining irony of Kreuzritter – the world’s most infamous supervillain and leader of the White Rooks – is that he knows he has done unspeakable things, yet still thinks himself the true hero of his tale. He proclaims that Man is a thing to be surpassed in ways that would make Nietzsche weep. Even his rejection of Aryan supremacy reveals a mad, terrible certainty that he is the only true superman. Others may have mighty powers or vast intellects, but only Milo Rauchenberger has the visionary insight that can save humanity by evolving it beyond the mediocrity of the masses.

Kreuzritter’s raise island of Thule now rivals any nation on Earth in military, industrial, financial, and metahuman clout. After decades of effort, Rauchenberger has restored his mystic power and armoured might – even going so far as reforging his armour to match his new, modern image (he knew the annoying horns needed to go, too). He leads the White Rooks as Ernst Rauchenberger (Milo’s supposed son), enjoys his Thulian crown and family as Hendrik Hertzog, and watches autocracy burn across the world like a cleansing flame. Let Sentinel suspect his identity. It was all worth it, Kreuzritter tells himself. Some days, he even believes it.

That’s all for now. Enjoy your Saturday!

UV Slipcase Unlocked, Reference Sheet at $60K, and Twitch AMA on Thursday
over 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 05:49:24 PM

Less than 48 hours into the campaign and your dedication and early backing has catapulted funding to over $50,000 – and you’ve unlocked the dual spot UV coating stretch goals for the slipcase edition. Thank you for being instrumental in its continued success! 🥳

$60K Stretch Goal: Weapon and Armour Reference Sheet

Next to unlock at $60K is a physical extra that we will add to the Absolute Power Game Screen and Adventure: a convenient weapon and armour summary reference sheet! Keeping these tables on hand during your superhero adventures offers you a quick way to look up weapon details and armour values without having to flip through the game book. This upgrade is automatically included in the $200 SUPERHERO and $350 STORYTELLER reward tiers, since they come with the Absolute Power Game Screen and Adventure.

Absolute Power AMA on Twitch

Join Absolute Power RPG authors Mark MacKinnon and Robin Flanagan on Twitch for a livestreamed “Ask Me Anything” as they talk about the game and the current Kickstarter.

➡️ Thursday, February 10th, 2022 • 7pm EST ⬅️

You'll need a Twitch account to post questions during the livestream, but if you don't have one and don't want to create one (or perhaps you can't tune in at that time), you can post comment questions here in this update before the livestream and we'll attempt to answer them during the livestream.

PS. Have you joined the Absolute Power Facebook Group community yet. Or maybe our Dyskami RPG Community Discord Server is more to your liking?