
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Table of Contents Plus Introducing Grandmother Raven
over 2 years ago – Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 10:37:15 AM

Happy Sunday, backers! You might be interested in taking a peek at what’s inside the two Absolute Power volumes, both Book One: System and Book Two: Essentials. We have uploaded PDF copies of both Table of Contents to our website for downloading.

After previewing the other four members of the Guard (Sentinel, Red Phoenix, Slipstream, and Caliburn), we now present the final team member:

Introducing Grandmother Raven

Katherine McCloud is a generous, compassionate woman who loves her roles as parent, grandparent, teacher, artist, and superhero. She is also an old woman who no longer suffers fools, gladly or otherwise. Grandmother Raven has years of adventure left in her – years, but not decades. She has no time to waste on those unwilling to at least try listening. Now an elder not just to her Anishinaabe people, but the world, Grandmother Raven devotes her twilight years to guiding humanity through a turbulent and reactionary age. Raven still whispers secrets in his hoarse caw, teaching her to unlock new abilities even now.

Grandmother Raven is at her best with clever misdirection. Her mastery of illusion, control over light and darkness, and transformation into shadow all help her manipulate villains into undoing themselves. Even the new powers of her staff, which let her summon hordes of ravens and grip objects with tendrils of darkness, are less weapons than tools in McCloud’s hands. Her fame has only grown since revealing her identity, which causes problems given her list of enemies. At the top of that list, ever vigilant of his chance to end Grandmother Raven, stands the aggrieved monster, Mister Matthews.

Thanks for your continued Kickstarter support!

Introducing Janus
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 01:30:20 PM

Zachary King is everything wrong with privilege. Born to wealth, status, and dominance, his family was infamous for how it came by them all. War profiteers, human traffickers, and mercenaries have all borne the King name. Janus is their evil distilled into a singular horror, claiming both power and pleasure by making others suffer.

Janus is living defiance of the idea that no one sees himself as the villain. A one-man argument for the existence of malignant narcissism as a definable personality trait, King revels in causing pain and lording triumphs over his victims. He is also a sore loser of Brobdingnagian proportions, holding grudges for years and taking revenge in monstrous fashion when possible. In short, Janus is the bad guy, and he loves it.

The most awful thing about Janus’s nature is that he is observant and insightful enough to understand on some level how meaningless his ambitions are. Only a handful look on his killings and see art. His closest connections are with people who remain allied out of necessity. King has, sometimes literally, burned all his bridges behind him. No matter how many bloodied masks he collects or lives he ruins, how many women he discards or rivals he mutilates, Janus cannot outrun his ghosts. One day, he knows, they will catch him.

PS. You can continue showing your Absolute Power support (and work towards unlocking even more stretch goals!) by helping us spread the word about this new RPG as well:

RandomWorlds Chat Transcript, Bookmark Design, Plus Caliburn
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 12:08:11 AM

Happy Friday, backers! As the campaign funding steadily moves towards the $80K stretch goal (a free combat roll modifier reference sheet), we have a few updates and previews today.

Interview on RandomWorlds

Last night, Absolute Power system designer Mark (joined by creative director Robin) were invited to participate in a two-hour text chat on the popular RandomWorlds Discord server. The chat transcript (with GIANT emojis for some reason) has been posted on their website.

Preview: Printed Bookmark Design

When the campaign reached $45K in funding last week, backers unlocked a free bonus for all physical pledge tiers at $60+: a 2” x 6” printed bookmark. Blending form with function, the bookmark features Caliburn on one side and handy Level references on the other.

And speaking of Caliburn….

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Caliburn

Caliburn, the Last Knight, is an ageing human with extraordinary training and experience. He knows he’s too old for this. His assistive armour allows him to operate as though he was still in his prime, despite the constant ache in his bones. Adam Sinclair is a top-notch fighting machine, armed with a broad array of non-lethal weaponry. The Scabbard provides armour and restoration, combining a neural interface with Parousian time-tech. Few understand urban jungles as Caliburn does, and fewer still can lie to him without Adam recognising it. Outside the suit, Sinclair is a fit man in his early 80s with a host of enemies and a secret identity.

Caliburn maintains a cool, reserved demeanour while behind the mask, pretending that his heroic efforts have not changed in 60 years. In spite of his extraordinary reputation, some villains continue to challenge Caliburn. His archnemesis Janus remains young and vital as the Last Knight grows old. Master Mordred has a 15-century advantage over Adam. Once a laughing thief, Heartbreaker has become a deadly foe seeking to cement her reputation in his blood. Looking back, Adam sometimes wonders how he survived what he now sees as naive optimism. Against his greatest enemies, Sinclair turns all his passion for justice into strength and determination; he reminds them with each blow why they have never defeated him.

Enjoy your weekend!

Scenario Unlocked, $80K Stretch Goal, Plus the Queen of Hearts
over 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 05:32:45 AM

And BOOM! – just like that, over 500 backers smashed the $70K stretch goal! 😱 Now an original brief one-shot scenario will be made available as a free PDF download for all backers at the $59+ EXPLORER tier and above. Thank you for providing us with the support to complete it.

(And there’s still TWO WEEKS left in the campaign!)

Next Up: Combat Roll Modifier Reference Sheet at $80K

A mock-up model has never been so happy to work towards a stretch goal!

If the campaign reaches the $80K mark, we will print a convenient two-page attack and defence modifier summary reference sheet that will assist you during gameplay. The tables are already in Absolute Power, but this separate page is a quick and handy alternative that’ll save you from always turning the page. Tactical actions, called shots, moving targets, range modifiers, multiple opponents, obscured or invisible enemies, grappling situations, combined attacks, Weapons Enhancements and Limiters – it’s all summarised on this single reference sheet. And best of all, reaching this stretch goal means it’ll be a FREE BONUS to all backers of physical rewards at any pledge tier! 🤯

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Alice, Queen of Hearts

As a former member of the UK’s Ghost Lions clandestine metahuman strike force since she was 15, the Queen of Hearts is a highly trained killer with formidable psychic powers. She possesses both strength and versatility, capable of delving deep into the minds of others and sensing the emotions around her. Alice’s psychokinesis lets her throw enemies and manipulate fire, darting over surfaces and shielding herself with raw power. Her combat skills no longer depend on her telepathy thanks to years of intense training, but stronger telepaths still disrupt her focus and memory. Heavily armed by her allies, she has earned countless enemies, most notably the Guard. Her life as Ava Pleasance, head of Thulian security services, provides her peace from everything except her conflicted feelings about Slipstream.

Her thoughts on her fellow White Rooks are complicated. Alice has little love for Janus’s misogyny 20 years on, but respects his brilliance and artistic lethality. She tolerates the crush Mister Matthews thinks he hides from her, accepting his anagathics but refusing to encourage his childish fantasies. Iron Duke is the only one she counts as a friend, and that only happened after his intelligence expanded on Apratzim. Kreuzritter has become something of a mentor, but Alice has long experience with betrayals from father figures. She enjoys her role in Thulian society and has three separate bolt-holes prepared for the day “Hendrik” betrays her. If life as a supervillain has taught Alice anything, it is survival.

Thanks for helping make Thursday full of awesome!

Dice Tower Construction and Introducing Iron Duke
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 09:10:47 PM

Welcome to all the new backers who’ve joined us since hundreds of dedicated superhero gamers (just like you!) unlocked the $60K stretch goal! And we’re only one week into the campaign! 😱

Dice Tower Construction

Although we don’t have a video to demonstrate how the Absolute Power Dice Tower is constructed (since it’s not printed yet), it has the same form as the cardboard towers for our BESM Fourth Edition and Anime 5E RPG lines. In a previous YouTube video, Mark walks through the BESM Dice Tower unboxing and demonstrates how easy the tower’s construction is

The Absolute Power Dice Rolling Kit, which includes the Dice Tower and two collapsable neoprene dice trays, is included as part of the $350+ STORYTELLER pledge tier. You can also select it as an add-on with any other $60+ tier (it costs $35 plus shipping).

Absolute Power Sneak Peak: Introducing Iron Duke

He was never Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He knows that now. After lifetimes of mindless labour and relentless fury, the Iron Duke’s mind is clear at last. He is a machine. He was born a machine, and if he falls in battle, Duke will die a machine. Now that he accepts his nature, however, Iron Duke intends to live forever. It is, after all, the purpose for which he was built. To rationalise his continued allegiance to the White Rooks, Duke has concluded that humanity is incapable of ruling itself. The automaton recognises that he is not a viable leader of sentient beings, though. He is therefore content to aid Kreuzritter and Mister Matthews in their plans for world domination, and retains a detached interest in the Mantle’s power that Red Phoenix stole from him with Green Ronin’s aid.

Iron Duke is the most powerful physical force native to Sentinel-Earth. Stronger and more resilient than even the mighty Sentinel, and immune to human survival needs, Duke was an implacable foe before his intellect grew to match his might. He has upgraded himself to improve his senses and now commands an army of Iron Walkers that doubles as a work force. Duke is of the most infamous supervillains on Earth, since his massive metal frame is unmistakable (and, unfortunately for him, vulnerable to magnetic fields). The cognitive dissonance Duke suffers between his growing embrace of rational reactions and his bonds to extreme personalities causes him to suffer from increasing dissociation and he distances his identity from his actions.

Have an amazing Tuesday!