
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Absolute Power Fulfilment News
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 08:19:39 PM

We have some fulfilment news! Here is what we have been told:


Product has been released from customs and are on their way to the distribution warehouses. We expect shipping to begin shortly, but don’t have a specific date. To avoid a prolonged multi-month delay for UK backers – something we learned the hard way with fulfilment of Anime 5E – we will be shipping UK pledges from the Germany fulfilment centre.

US Status

Product has cleared customs and is scheduled to arrive in the warehouse in mid-October, which is later than anticipated but still within the margin of error. Shipping will begin the week after product arrives.

Canada Status

Since the Canadian fulfilment centre gets its products the US warehouse, we expect shipping will be underway in late-October.

It’s great to have some good news to share! Enjoy your week.

Absolute Power Fulfilment Update
about 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 04:34:57 PM

Happy Monday, everyone. We’ve spent the past week trying to track down information from our freight partners so we can tell you what’s happening with Absolute Power fulfilment. Although the news isn’t perfect, things have been moving along since our July update – news that falls into the “assuming there are no unforeseen customs/port delays” category we had mentioned earlier.

US Status

The freight finally landed in Vancouver on Friday and is in queue for offloading. Our freight company estimates that the product should arrive in our warehouse the first week of October. Fulfilment will begin immediately thereafter.

Canada Status

Since Canada’s shipment only happens after the books arrive in the US warehouse, we’re estimating mid-October for fulfilment.


There is less information for these shipments, unfortunately. Product arrived in those countries in early/mid August, but they have been held up due to port delays. Germany in particular (our EU warehouse) is having a major energy and port crisis that is causing long offloading delays. Our freight partners are keeping on top of these inbound shipments, but we do not have any estimation regarding when the shipments will be cleared and delivered to our warehouses for fulfilment.


When we know more information about fulfilment timelines, we will let you know. If you hear nothing from us, it’s because we don’t have any updated information to share. Between the pandemic and conflict in the Ukraine, global supply chains are still in disarray. October fulfilment worldwide is likely at this point, but we can’t make any guarantees.

Thanks for your patience and support, everyone! Have a wonderful week.

PS. If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter that isn’t addressed in this update – seriously, ANY and ALL aspects – please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us. Always.

Absolute Power Live on DriveThru and Fundraising Indiegogo
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 03:32:38 PM

Hey, backers. We hope you had a great weekend. Here’s a quick update on Absolute Power.

DriveThru PDF Files Now Available

Since we now have confidence that Kickstarter fulfilment isn’t too far away, we have released the two Absolute Power RPG core books today for immediate sale on DriveThruRPG ( Over the coming days, we will release all the Absolute Power expansions and digital accessories as well. As our awesome Kickstarter backers, you’ve had many months of exclusive access to the game – and we though it was time to let others join the party, too.

Dyskami’s Game Bundle Fundraiser

Starting today Dyskami is hosting a game sale fundraiser to help offset Anime 5E game designer Mark MacKinnon’s medical expenses.

Mark has been enduring extreme pain as a result of a “frozen shoulder” (also known as “adhesive capsulitis”), which has impacted both his personal and professional publishing life. Fortunately, he has recently booked treatment at a specialised private medical clinic to resolve the condition in mid-August at a cost approaching $25,000. All sale proceeds raised during Dyskami’s Indiegogo campaign will help fund Mark’s procedure, so if you’ve been thinking about purchasing another Anime 5E (or other RPG) product or two, it’s a great way to do so!

For more information about this fundraiser and to pledge support, visit

Thanks for continuing to be a champion of our products! Have a wonderful week.

Absolute Power Leaving the Factory
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 05:04:12 AM

Hey, everyone. We finally have an update on Absolute Power factory shipping that we can share.

Production of the core rule books and expansions is complete! We have finally managed to secure ocean cargo freight from our factory in China to our three primary fulfilment warehouses (US, EU, AUS).

With departure dates in the coming week, we expect the products to arrive in the warehouses in late August – assuming there are no unforeseen customs/port delays. Fulfilment can therefore begin as early as September if everything proceeds smoothly. This is two months behind from our originally planned schedule, which has been adjusted slightly due to pandemic-related factory shutdowns and shipping logistics.

Closing BackerKit

Since all product will be in warehouses within the next month or so, it’s time for us wrap up the BackerKit survey. Here’s what you need to know:

JULY 22nd is your cut-off date to complete your BackerKit survey. If you don’t complete the survey by this time, delivery of your physical pledge rewards will be delayed! So don't wait – complete your survey immediately, if you haven't already! Of course, most of you have done so, but there’s still some stragglers that won’t be receiving their products on time.

If you still need the BackerKit survey link because you haven’t completed it yet, you can retrieve a new one at


We want to make it as easy as possible for you to receive your Absolute Power RPG when it’s ready to fulfil. Everyone who pledged for a physical product paid a shipping fee through Kickstarter or BackerKit, which will be applied to one shipment attempt. If your pledge shipment is not accepted for delivery or returned to the warehouse for any reason (other than our own fault, of course), you will need to pay the shipping fee again to receive your physical pledge.

Below are a few reasons your shipment may not be successful. What steps can you take to assure they don’t apply to your shipment?

➡️ Address that you provided to us through BackerKit is incorrect.

➡️ Someone living at your provided address refuses or returns the package.

➡️ Your package is held at a facility for you to pick up, and the facility returns it to the warehouse because you didn’t pick it up during their specified time.

If your pledge isn’t delivered because we made a mistake, naturally we will reship it to you at our cost. For all other reasons out of our direct control, a second shipping charge may apply if we need to ship to you a second time.

Address Updates

If you moved to a different location between the time you completed your BackerKit survey and now, and you haven’t already updated your shipping address with us, you can email us at [email protected] with your new address.

Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter that isn’t addressed in this update – seriously, ANY and ALL aspects – please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us. Always.

Thanks for your continued patience and support!

Absolute Power Expansion Production Proofs
over 2 years ago – Sun, May 29, 2022 at 12:04:45 AM

Hey, backers. It’s been a while since we updated the campaign, though there wasn’t anything to talk about in the past couple of months. Today we have a brief visual update.

We have received production proofs of everything from the printer except the two core game books. The image above is a compilation image of nearly everything. As usual with our printing partners, the quality is spectacular!

With the pandemic still playing havoc with worldwide freight schedules, it’s impossible for us to predict when Absolute Power will fulfil. We are still hopeful for July shipping, though August is more likely given recent freight trends. When we have further details, we’ll pass them on.

Have a wonderful weekend!