
Absolute Power – Superhero Role-Playing Game (2-Volume Set)

Created by Dyskami Publishing

Modern superhero RPG adventures across the entire power level spectrum. Return to the evocative world of Silver Age Sentinels RPG v2.0!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Absolute Power EU Customs Release
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 08:38:20 AM

Finally, some wonderful news that we just received 10 minutes ago from our EU fulfilment warehouse: German customs has approved the release of the Absolute Power shipment!

We don’t have any additional details to share yet, but we finally have some progress on EU/UK/international fulfilment.

IMPORTANT: If you live in one of those areas and need to change your shipping address, please email [email protected] immediately so the warehouse can update your file.

We’ll send more information when we have it. Thank you once again for your great patience.

BESM Multiverse Kickstarter

Although it’s not part of the Absolute Power game line, our new BESM Multiverse anime RPG setting expansions Kickstarter only has one week to go and has unlocked nine stretch goals already. Since BESM and Absolute Power uses the same Tri-Stat System, the characters, items, and creatures presented in these BESM products could be inserted into your superhero adventures if you want – especially if you’re playing around in a multiverse setting. If this sounds potentially interesting to you, stop by our Kickstarter and check it out! 👍

Absolute Power Shipping Micro-Update
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 12:08:06 AM

Just a quick update today about Absolute Power shipping:

➡️ All US and AUS/NZ orders have been fulfilled. If you don’t receive your package or a tracking email by November 4th, reach out to us.

➡️ Canadian orders are being shipped next week. Backers will receive email tracking.

➡️ EU/UK/International orders: the Germany warehouse is still wrestling with customs to have the Absolute Power pallet released. We will provide a further update when we have it. Until then, we thank you for your great patience!

REMINDER: Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter that isn’t addressed in this update – seriously, ANY and ALL aspects – please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us. Always.

Absolute Power Shipping Update
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 10:52:36 PM

Hey backers! Here’s a status update for fulfilment of physical pledges:

United States

The warehouse is about 60% finished shipping pledges, with the remaining 40% shipping this week. Most backers are receiving tracking emails, but not everyone is receiving them (or receiving them in a timely manner), so you shouldn’t worry just because you haven’t received a tracking email.


We still need to get the product from the US into Canada before fulfilment can begin. We expect all Canadian pledges will be fulfilled by mid-November. Again, tracking emails will be sent once pledges are shipped.

Australia / New Zealand / Some International

The fulfilment warehouse has the product but their shipping schedule is backlogged due to a COVID wave that swept through their staff. We don’t have a projected shipping date to share, but we expect pledges will ship soon.

EU / UK / Some International

The product has not been released from customs as we were told a few weeks ago. Rather, customs decided to take a more … involved … examination of the products and it’s been … challenging … to say the least. We are working with our EU fulfilment partner to provide details to usher the product through customs as quickly as possible, but we do not have an expected release date to share.

When Should I Reach Out to You?

Backers, you don’t need to reach out to us with “where is my pledge?” questions yet. The majority of backers haven’t received their rewards, after all.

For US backers, if you haven’t received either a tracking email or your actual pledge shipment by November 14th, you can reach out to [email protected] to check on your pledge status. For Canadian backers, please wait until November 21st.

For backers in other countries, we will provide a “contact us for a status check” date in a future update because nothing has been shipping yet and we don’t have an accurate timeline projection.

REMINDER: Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter that isn’t addressed in this update – seriously, ANY and ALL aspects – please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us. Always.

PS. Thank you to backers who had received their pledges and commented about it as we requested in our brief update last week. This has allowed us to work with Kickstarter on our next crowdfunding campaign for BESM Fourth Edition (details to come).

Absolute Power Pledge Receiving Sound-Off
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 10:52:29 PM

Hey backers! Kickstarter would like to know if you have received your physical Absolute Power RPG pledge yet. Once your pledge books arrive, can you please comment on this Update with a message confirming receipt? We can then let Kickstarter know to take a look here. And yes, backers will typically receive tracking emails, though some backers are reporting receiving the emails after their pledges arrived.

That’s it for today. Thanks for the help! 👍

Absolute Power US Warehouse Update
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 07, 2022 at 05:21:38 AM

A quick update:

Absolute Power has arrived at our US warehouse and fulfilment will begin shortly! 🥳

Canadian pledges are expected to ship out by the end of the month. 🎃

We have no further update on pledge shipping elsewhere (see Update #42 for the latest news).

That’s it — short and sweet! Enjoy your week.